The SOS (Survivors of Suicide) Support Group is sponsored by MHA, it is offered to the community at no charge. This support group is for those who are left behind after a suicide and grieving. The group meets the first and third Monday of the month. Please call 812-450-6000 for more information.
Methodist Temple
2109 Lincoln Ave (Enter off Kelsey St)
2nd floor, 3rd room on the right
Evansville, IN
The MHA also sponsors a Bipolar Support Group for people dealing with Bipolar Disease, which meets the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm at St. Vincent’s Rehabilitation Institute Building, 3rd floor, 3700 Washington Ave. Anxiety/OCD Support Group that provides support, comfort, education, and awareness to people dealing with anxiety issues resulting in improved mental health. The group meets the first and third Wednesday of the month at Deaconess Midtown Hospital 600 Mary St, room 1936.